Sunday, August 12, 2012 9:59 PM

This blog is so dead hahahaha, but here we are back to liven it up a little!
To the incoming Executive Committee '1213,

Congratulations! :) Your journey in EXCO has now begun. Just like your fellow batchmates, you guys are capable leaders, so continue to strive, and do a better job than your seniors have, and continue to bring Council to greater heights! Being in EXCO is full of its fair share of challenges and ups and downs, but at the end of the day, everything is worthwhile when you see your fellow Councillors grow and have fun together, because this is Ohana.

Treasure your opportunity, work together cohesively, be humble, empower your councillors, encourage the heart, challenge the process, model the way and seek to inspire a shared vision for the betterment of the Council. Make your remaining year in Council count, as much as possible because it'll be over before you know it. :( We wish you all the best in all the wonderful things you will bring to our beloved Ohana. :) Grow together as one Council, one Family.

Keep the spirit burning, DHSSC! <3

With love,
Wanton Mee EXCO' 1011