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Monday, June 30, 2008 10:40 PM
EXCO 2009 Selection Interview Year 3 SCs, please take note. The following are the venues for your EXCO Interview. Please take note and be at the respective venues 15mins prior to your interview. Some interview slots have been rescheduled. If you are not informed of any changes, your slot has not been changed. Please follow the timing sent via email. If you are unsure of your slot, feel free to confirm it with Jia Hui. Any problems with your slot, do inform Siswo, Jia Hui or Xingqi as well. Good luck and all the best! (: 8th July Tuesday- Conference Room 9th July Wednesday- Discussion Room 2 10th July Thursday- Conference Room Sunday, June 29, 2008 7:20 PM
YOUTH DAY IMPT BRIEFING CUM DRY RUN Monday, 30 June 2008 4pm @ Foyer Steps SCs are required to attend this compulsory Youth Day Briefing cum Dry Run unless you have a valid reason such as school field trip for IDMI. Attendance will be taken yeah? Anything else can go ask the Youth Day planning comm headed by Si Yin, Su Mei and Joyce. Can't wait to see the big family together again! OHANA (= SC Chalet
Thursday, June 26, 2008 10:23 PM
STOP! TAKE A LOOK~! SC Chalet this year is on the 5th to 6th july... At East Coast Park Resort, which is walkable from parkway parade... more information on the location can check webbie http://www.islandresort.com.sg/ what to expect: FOOD, GAMES, MOVIES, BONDING, and sleeping over one another... (that is if alot of people staying over n not enough space.. hehe) you will not want to miss out..~! btw, those with XBOX or NINTENDO WII or NINTENDO DS or PSP can also bring... also searching for people with portable DVD players so owe can watch movies~! (psst, inform weijie if you are bringing the above items.. later we have so many sets.. ><) food is provided, but any extra contributions from you guys are warmly welcomed! HODs will pass down message to you guys soon to confirm attendance... :) KEEP THAT DAY FREE~~!! progress review
Wednesday, June 25, 2008 10:06 PM
hey SCs, i have uploaded the progress review on this website... go n download n pass it on... ;) Download JHSC_Indivudal_Progress_Review_Form.doc SC Progress Review
9:23 PM
Dear SCs, Please find attached the scheduled meeting time for Progress Review with Ms Cindy Tiong. The soft copy of the Progress Review Form is also attached for your reference. Meeting venue for all: Study benches outside staffroom 1 Please complete the Progress Review Form and bring it along during the meeting. Please try to adhere to the arranged time slot given to you. If you are unable to make it for the arranged time slot, please kindly do a mutual swop with someone else and keep Ms Tiong in the know. If you REALLY REALLY cannot even find a suitable mutual swop with another SC, then please come and look for Ms Tiong IN PERSON to do a manual change of time slot. Thank you! the scheduled meeting time are as follows... 1st July (Tuesday) 0900 Ke Jia Xin 0930 Fang Yi Bei 1000 Isabella Creshelle Padilla 1030 Ng Ching Xing Shirlyn 1100 Tay Qing Yuan Daniel 1130 Gordon Shiau Rong Kang 1200 Teo Ting Wei 1530 Zhu Chen Lei 1400 Chung Pui Mun 1600 Ong Jia Yi 2nd July (Wednesday) 0930 Peh Jun Jie 1000 Joshua Xie Jiaming 1030 Ng Jin Wen 1100 Chan Si Yin 1130 Charmaine Lau Yan Hong 1200 He Shu Jun 1600 Lee Szu Yee 3rd July (Thursday) 1400 Kek Yan Lin 1430 Wong Karmen Ms Tiong kuala lipis camp 08
Sunday, June 22, 2008 8:20 PM
oh man... love SC loads... hope you guys enjoyed the local as well as overseas... enjoyed photo taking sessions... cuz here are the photos..! council photo..!! after nature rumble... morning exercises are good for health..! i discovered sth new in the camp... this combi for bread is a nice mixture.. try it!! xD while u guys were out chasing the streets... ur bags are all in the care of the exco.. imagine the work... the saiKANG... >< first to arrive..! sure relieved to reach the trains stn on time yea..? having packed dinner... n fun to play street chase with ur own level mates.? hah... in fact, all groups were relle fast in their tasks... well done~! my group...!! haha.. sorri my messages were slow... right.. n we went to kuala lipis... there the activities were so much tougher... yea.? LULA~! EKE!! AELDRA~! DYARUU!! haha... this sc camp... my last one yea... cried alot on tht campfire night... hugged my juniors n peers alike tightly... said nth, juz alot of thanks... the moment i try to speak tears will start to come tht kinda feeling.? so i juz stayed quiet... but still, u sometimes cnt control... time passed real fast... it seems juz like ytd.. relle, can still rmr the sc interview in year 1.. then year 2 doing orientation with cherie as my mentor, doing flag n identities... year 3... doing orientation with karmen... i learnt alot from her... then i thought i flopped in orientation, cuz at tht time i relle v low confi in myself... year 4... got involved in IA... a relationship with a group of wonderful people in it which i hope it doesnt ends... things juz move too fast.. rmr our first dinner together.? that time i tried my best to make everyone as welcomed as they could... learning people's names... getting to know one another... also in year 4, got involved with another group of people who changed my lives.. exco... we are one powerful group... we are all so different yet we come together so well... each of us relle is unique in our ways.. n i like the time we do things together... hmm.. shall not spam here like my blog.. anw... sorri to disappoint yixiang.. haha... my photos abit balanced... but i got more photos specifically on my blog which i nvr post here.. so if wanna kupp photos can go see my personal blog.. haha! anw the group fotos are mainly here liaos... n yea, i will sure type a "novel" in my blog post for sc camp... alrighty... everyone, have a good rest... yay.. photos~!
4:58 PM
juz when everyone's rushing their hmwk.. i'm here posting photos =) hehe.. guess i'll have to do my hmwk soon too.. widdout further ado.. we'll let de photos do de talking =)) sorry to suefla.. cos i was mostly widd coewa and i took alot of pictures of us.. dun wory.. cos i believe weijie has de other set of photos.. =) see.. how convienient to put de 2 ia hods in two different majors ^^ wahaha.. de ball can even reach de clouds!! yay.. its de four wheel drive.. Today's a winding road, thats taking me to places that i didn't want to go... finally.. its Dyaruu!! and dere's Chief Timothy kissing his walkie talkie.. and Coewa's instructor, Mei Qi.. and also.. presenting one of the best things to do on a 4 wheel drive: SLEEP.. why you so emo... ZZZ.. jiahui claimed dat its comfortable too.. unbelievable.. even Chief Eunice had to wake us up.. the ironic beauty of air pollution.. wow.. tada..! CIP at the tamil school.. Chief Timothy with his collar up and his serious face.. Here are the mass dances.. From chikucha.. we have.. SUPERMAN~!~! wahaha.. juz when i thot i didn't take a picture of Instructor Javin.. i found him in de middle of this picture sleeping on the train ride back!! yay.. Survivor Kuala Lipis was a blast..~! SC rocks!! We really hope everyone enjoyed it and learnt alot from it.. as we all say.. we are 81 hearts and 1 ohana.. ohana means family.. family means nothing gets left behind.. hahas.. reality.. here i come..! -labbit ^^ sc camp
12:22 PM
GIVE ME THE SC CHEER! it's great to see everyone lovin sc camp, lovin this family. survivor sc camp was pure awesomeness, aint it? so do remember to take plenty of rest and water! come back to school with your spirits rejuvenated! DHSSC, 1 family, 81 hearts <3 KARMEN LOVES YALL (: Sunday, June 15, 2008 9:40 PM
DISMISSAL DETAILS 21st June 2008 Latest by 1pm (dependent on train) Tanjong Pagar Train Station PACK PASSPORTS AND EZ-LINK PLS!!! FOLLOW ATTIRE STATED; SCROLL DOWN! Saturday, June 14, 2008 11:14 PM
SNEAK PEEK! we hope all SCs are excited about the upcoming council camp themed- Survivor Kuala Lipis! :) it's gonna be a whole new experience and council camp like never before! here are some random pictures the exco took while preparing for the camp! =) Guys hard at work!
Having fun =)
![]() Property of SC! :)
Jia Yanz needs 3 people Cheng Qian needs none xD Pail :) ![]() Work in progress =) ![]() Lazy Jia Yanz! Suefla :) Coewa!!!
the team :D (plus xingqi, weijie, hannah) |