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Saturday, December 29, 2007 11:29 PM
Student Councillors down for CCA Exhibition Duty Date: 7th Jan 2008 1. Lai Yiren 2. Shaun Ho 3. Sheena Ng 4. Jessie Lim 5. Cassandra Ng 6. Shirlyn Ng 7. Chew Kiat Shing 8. Chelsia Ng 9. Charmaine Lau 10. Chan Si Yin 11. Cho Jia Yan 12. Wong Karmen 13. Kek Yan Lin if you cannot make it last minute, please find a replacement and inform Jia Hui immediately. more details will be given at a later date. (: happy hols! Jia Hui orientation...
Friday, December 28, 2007 11:50 PM
TO ALL SFs FOR YEAR ONE ORIENTATION do take note of the following changes... your dept heads should pass down by now... meeting on the 31st is NO LONGER in the hostel... do turn up in school at 10am, meet at foyer... bring your PEN, and DAS, and DONT BE LATE haha... n then have fun!! :D jiayou orientation comm! weijie~ CR outing
8:38 PM
hello people! CR outing was on 27.12, and the venue was: ming quan's house! Jin wen, marcus, ming quan, rachel, shaun, siswo, xia yuan, yan lin, yi bei came! monopoly~ gift exchange~ playground~ it really was a enjoyable time with the department, good to see old faces and new alike. we all had fun! we watched "bring it on" vcd, played the "idiot" heart attack game, played monopoly and had gift exchange! we then came up with a short clip on the spot, filmed at the playground! here's a sneak preview of us saying thank you.... it was then off to dinner at white sands before we parted happily~ Thank you everyone for making it! We love CR <3 Lots of love, ming quan dhs orientation committee 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007 7:26 PM
wow... had dinner yesterday with the comm... its been a year!! haha... yea.. n finalli we had our celebration dinner... orientation comm 07... just another committee... another group of people, friends, scs who come together to work for something... enjoy the time you have together, cuz looking back is relle funny... even the bad times, looking back makes it hilarious actually, y u get angry n stuff... n always rmr o celebrate the achievements u have in sc... it could be an event... go out with your comm n celebrate! nth is too late... like ours.. ha... thx people for everything weijie~ CR OUTING!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007 9:42 PM
Oh yay my first post! Yan Lin here! HEY CR'ians! CR outing will be on this Thurs, 27th Dec 2007[which is tomorrow LIKE WOW LOL!] The PVPs + EX CR AHOD MingQuan will be coming too!! We'll be going PASIR RIS PARK! And meeting time is 10am, at Pasir Ris MRT! So yea, I will be bringing speakers to blast some music while we have fun! Rachel and Xiayuan are gna bring CARDS! There will be hands games, leg games, ball games BLA~ I will be bringing a volleyball also so yea, we may play captain's ball or whatever! Games we playing MAY include splat,slippers/shoes game[hahah super fun one], polar bear etc! Oh ya, Please bring along a PRESENT for gift exchange! :D Lunch we'll be ordering pizzas from pizza hut i guess!:) After 4pm, we will be going over to mingquan's house[in pasir ris too!] for some board games and maybe tea~~ This may be the last outing before school starts and everyone gets real busy, so try ur best to come k! As much as we try to cope with our studies, SC, CCA, and other committments.. I hope we can still find time to bond with our dept! stay close:) lotsoflove, RACHE AND YANLIN! merry xmas!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007 9:59 PM
lol... a bit late... but to all councilors... MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! not "eve", but the real day... haha... so... how's your xmas today..? :D weijie~ Monday, December 24, 2007 12:05 AM
HAPPY '07 XMAS EVE! As usual, lame jiayanz. reminders to SFs...
Saturday, December 22, 2007 10:56 PM
yo... reminders to SFs for year one orientation... 31st december got a final briefing for the orientation... venue: dhs hostel reading room time: 10am to 12pm attire: any school based t-shirt do be there as this is the last briefing before the real thing starts..!! we gotta be ready for orientation 08! haha... n here i shall also jiayou the orientation comm... you guys did a great job, keep it up! all your efforts are going to show... yea! ALL THE BEST! weijie~ eh... i want share joke too... haha... 天兵天将可以在天堂的厨房找到, 那么angel会出现在天堂的哪里? 答案:厕所;因为“天使(屎)” get it get it..? haha... i think it is a clever joke... well, no prizes for those who got it right... haha SHEN DAN JIE KUAI LE :D
8:34 PM
Hello all! Guess what! This is the first time im blogging here for alllllllll of you. -.- Well, i wanted to do this long time ago but i always forgot the username and pw ROOOOOFL. Share with you guys a joke that i read on the bubble tea plastic cover when i was drinking yesterday. The answer's below :D 请你用数码宝贝(digimon)造个句子。 As what kang said below, thanks to all of you guys who actually made the effort to wake up at 5am or even 4am plus just to reach school by 7am for the helping out of registration day. :D! For those who couldn't make it yesterday, it's okay too! Just remember to help out for other activities next time. Anyway, the next upcoming event will be the the the the the the *drum roll* orientation '08. This year, we will be helping out for quite a few levels' orientation activites. So, be sure to be fit and healthy when the school reopens again. Drink more water, eat more apple and drink more papaya milk shake! (nah, just kidding.) Remember to take care of yourselves jiu dui le. Haha. 答案:嗨,你今晚要吃素吗,宝贝? Hao bu hao xiao!?!?! :D WITH KETCHUP AND CHILLI AND SOYA SAUCE, JIAYANZ :D Friday, December 21, 2007 11:04 PM
Hey SCs, just wanted to say GOOD JOB at registration today! a super big applause and thank you for smiling every so sweetly, and looking ever so smart! im so proud and glad SCs maintain that positive attitude and great vibrant spirit at all times! KEEP IT UP DARLINGS! (: & Merry Christmas have a nice break ppl! Jia Hui Thursday, December 20, 2007 1:03 PM
Hi guys! Tis is regarding the yr 1 registration. Pls login to asknlearn to see yr diff roles tmw. When u login to asknlearn, click on "View messages" which is on the message board. You will see a message by Chua Wan Ee. That one is correct. Hmm. I had to try it twice to get it. So if it does not work the first time, log out once before logging in again. If you cannot get the file or you are just plain lazy, you can ask me to send it to you. Thanks for volunteering! P.S. Rmb. It's easier to approach a person who is alone compared to a grp of ppl, so pls do not stick in grps... :D And pls be polite n courteous tmw. Thanks! Xingqi Yr humble serpent Orientation 2008 Dry-Run
Sunday, December 16, 2007 12:55 PM
hi SCs, this goes out to all current year 1 and 2 SCs... AND the SFs from year 1s... ORIENTATION 08 DRY RUN IS HERE the details are as followed... Day one (17th dec) Report at 9am End at 4.30pm Attire: year 1s: orientation tee year 2s: 50th anniversary tee Day two (18th dec) Report at 9am End at 4.15pm Attire: year 1s: P.E shirt year 2s: BOND tee (lvl camp shirt) notes: lunch to be settled by SFs YOURSELF, haha pls be PUNCTUAL or go home LATE! n lets all be ENTHU!! YAY!! ok... so it is a compulsory thing.. so far for clashes in CCAs, onli band and CO are excused... other CCAs pls check with the ICs, Sara, Gillian or Samuel tml... OR contact sara at this number: 93624801 yep, enjoy orientation 08! Saturday, December 15, 2007 9:40 PM
Hey SCs! Tis announcement is for all year 2 SC in 2008! The councils neds YOUR HELP!! We ned 17 year 2s to help out on 7th Jan on the CCA exhibition day. You will probably bring ard the new year 1 students to see all the CCAs, or mayb be in charge of our booth if we have one.. haha. Anyway, I would really appreciate it if you volunteer. If you are interested, call or sms me at 97838938. Pls leave a name if you are messaging me. Thanks! Xingqi Friday, December 14, 2007 10:35 PM
hey councillors! i noe it's the holidays and all but let's not forget our duty to serve the school yeah? (: there is a sc duty coming up and here are the details: Year 1 Registration 21st Dec 2007 report in school at 6.45am in full school uniform and school tie (: this is a compulsory sc duty and you will only be excused if you have a valid reason such as overseas or cca. councillors, pls sms siswo/xingqi or me (jiahui) asap to let us noe if you can make it. thanks loads guys! (: Jia Hui FORUM!
Thursday, December 13, 2007 3:52 PM
Hey Councillors! I believe you have seen the message, the forum is out. Go to http://dhsstudentcouncil.forumotion.com/ now! What you need to do there is to click on 'Log In' at the top of the page, followed by 'Register', then go to your email and confirm and click on the link attached to the email to come back to the forum. After logging in, please go read News & Updates, 'WELCOME :D' message, before proceeding with anything. Do follow some instructions listed in the welcome message, the administrators would appreciate it. really. Thank you and have a niceeee holiday! ;D dhssc forum
1:10 PM
http://dhsstudentcouncil.forumotion.com/ hey people, the much-awaited forum is out! go visit and post NOW~ :) -ming quan- :) this is labbit~! **Free hand animal drawings** ^^
Tuesday, December 11, 2007 10:11 PM
hihi.. hi-5 to xingqi and karmen, this is my first time posting on this wonderful blog =) so i thot i shld make it more wonderful.. hehe.. very exciting.. though de trip's over.. -.- haha hmm.. wads a cool sc trip widdout candid pics? soooooo.. here's some dug out from my cam.. yay.. ***NO OFFENCE TO ANYONE** hahas.. sooo.. it was a trip that everybody couldn't wait to go for.. DHSSC Overseas Trip 2007 : CAIRNS.. yay.. widd very excited feelings, we gathered at de airport.. when i reached, almost everybody was dere..everybody was busy collecting forms and checking passports.. de first things first kinda thing.. everybody cooperated and it went super quickly.. which didn't really make de teachers panic.. cool lor.. so we have to be alert often, den things can go smoothly and we can have more fun~! hahas.. i felt dat i muz reflect abit after seeing de posts below.. so we went into de place where our family and friends couldn't and walked towards de gate where we're going to take our flight.. den, everybody started whipping out their cams and took pictures.. den after 4 movies and a round of chess widd de com (i won ^^), we reached de transit thingy.. dere was this room for waiting and we settled dere for awhile to wait for de domestic flight.. it was pretty amazing to see everyone happily playing games and bonding.. hmm.. de hoStel was pretty welcoming.. this was found on a van parked nearby.. den we had lunch at cairns central~! and warmed up a little by taking part in de mini amazing race put up by aunty angela (our tour leader) and de teachers.. yay.. de next day......... we went out to SEA~! (not southeastasia) and headed to the GBR (not girlboyrelationship but Great Barrier Reef) de boat ride was cool.. especially widd de wind blowing against you.. wad a hair raising experience.. we got to experience de wonders of nature.. it was spectacular.. even photos cannot describe de wonderful corals.. everybody went down for a dip and peek at de reef.. and even ppl who couldn't swim.. i'm sure dat it was a good experience even if dey had to face their fears and things dey couldn't quite do.. juz face challenges and wonders will await you.. =) yay.. and den it was de next day.. btw de bunks were hypnotising.. i juz lied down and de next moment, i woke up to a new day.. it happened for everyday.. amazing.. anyone else felt dat way? anyway.. we went to kuranda to explore de rainforests dere.. very cute pic of koala sleeping.. we went to koala gardens too.. we got to feed kangaroos and wallabies too.. jiateck's at de background.. unbelievable he sat dere widd de kangaroo for quite long.. den it was de next day ^^ white water rafting.. super cool.. de air was cool, de water was cool, we were cool, and our guide on de leader was cool.. widdout his directions, i think we would be really lost.. soo.. communication is really important.. and enjoy de rest of your holidays.. and look forward to next year's trip~! -Lil' Black Labbit aka weijie's pet rabbit, yixiang =) seeting and xingqi
2:11 PM
BONUS! featuring seeting n xingqi... demo of the titanic song during the trip out to the sea.!! quite cool and funny.. haha weijie pix from weijie
12:41 PM
haha... some cool pictures shared by dear weijie :) post your pix!! IA now-and-then photo! (dun have the jnrs... aww..) the macho guys in this trip... opneli 10 of us... hmm, jiateck not in this picture!! seh yixiang~ ha... (notice how this picture links to the next...) shuqi n zara... (cool huh? put the 2 pix side by side n woahla!) 2H reunion with cherie!! amanda not around... n mr yeo pops up behind... seeting's "hmm?" face seh chengqian~ hah... seh xingqi~ haha... seh ben~ hahah... year 2s unite!!! amanda n seeting with seh pose... haha... in the cable car down to cairns... then the cool guys say "smile!" say cheese!! we are on the plane~ wombat~ yixiang drew this on my hand... many other different animals were drawn on many others people's hands... hah haha... photos photos! at the airport.. the tuft of hair at the top belongs to yuru... ><> IA 06 ~ 08!! xingqi not present... zz haha i want more photos... lols... shall kupp from people these few days... so if see me on9 can oso take initiative n offer to send to me nice photos of SCs or me!! lols... mr yeo... can we get the year 3 photos tht we took alot on the last day in the resort..? haha... n for now.. ta-ta peeps~ weijie~ karmen ;D
Monday, December 10, 2007 11:17 AM
hello beloved ones! karmen's here yo! yup, it's the same for me as the same for xingqi, this is my first post on SC 's blog. cairns trip was really fun, although not as tough as the previous 2 trips, i am sure councillors who went to kachanaburi and chiangmai would agree. i was really happy when i saw the year2s coming together and having fun. Why? Maybe due to my absence in the previous 2 sc camps, but i felt the year2s were not really bonded, some were left out and those sort of thing and it should be normal for councillors of the same level to stick like glue to each other during these kind of trips and outings, so i was filled with joy upon seeing the year2s being happy together. Bonding is important, especially when you're year2s going to year3s, pretty soon, you guys will take on the important roles of leading your juniors and head the executions of many events. Bonding will help you guys to have good, not just good but excellent communication, so be bonded as a level, and then lead your juniors too. Besides juniors, learn from your seniors too, when you have a problem, don't be afraid to look up and talk to any seniors, you can talk to our very nice sc teachers too! (: for my fellow yearmates, i really enjoyed the trip, those nights we stayed up just to talk and talk and talk about anything and everything. yup, that was fun. and the thumb game chengqian taught us, it was really fun to play it with y'all! here's the video clip! ;P i got to know more of my fellow year3 councillors through this trip. the birdworld trip was wonderful with so many giggles and screams and 'ouchs', poor guys, birds just love chewing their tender ears! here are few photos to share and i hope you guys can send us photos so we can post it up here instead of these wordy posts! yeah? (: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() alright, that's all for now, do keep tagging and sending in pictures k! those above were all taken by me, don't ask me why half of the are guys because i don't have hands to take myself aye. |