SC Chalet
Sunday, July 01, 2007 4:02 PM

Hey guys.

Thanks for coming for the SC Chalet! :-) it was definitely great fun and also very heart-rendering to see so many of us together having fun. The throwing of soapy water-filled water bombs, playing soccer while sitting down, the BBQ in the evening, and even the rest of the times where we just sat down and had fun! That kind of togetherness feeling can't be expressed in a nice long paragraph of words, so I shall leave it as that.

Also, thanks for all your hard work during the Youth Day Celebrations, be it the carnival or concert. It turned out a success, due to the effort put in by all of you, so give yourselves a pat on the back for that! :-) much thanks to the Youth Day Planning Committee for sacrificing so much of your June Holidays (and homework time) to ensure that everything has been planned well.

Something I learned from Youth Day Celebrations:
Never ever eat fishballs that dropped on the floor.
(HAHA I'm sorry Shu Qi :p)

Anyway, no time to find/do up another template as of now. Whenever I have enough time on my hands I shall do it k :-)

Take care, enjoy your Youth Day Holiday before it's back to school!
